Kindergarten Supply List

Kindergarten Supply List
Posted on 08/26/2020

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Thank you for choosing St. Theresa School. It will be a pleasure to welcome your child to our Kindergarten program. The following is a list of items that your child will require for this coming school year:

-Inside running shoes with VELCRO (NO laces please)
-Regular size school bag 
-Lunch kit and re-usable water bottle
-Labelled change of clothes that can remain at school (underwear, socks, shirt, pants)
-5 plastic grocery bags
-Markers (Crayola preferred)

Please make sure that you label all of your child’s items with permanent marker (especially clothing).

If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school. 

Your St. Theresa Teachers