
About CSAC

The Catholic School Advisory Committee acts as a consulting group who actively involves itself with school decisions. For example the members have developed the school Code of Behaviour Handbook and review it yearly. They engage in school activities and volunteer regularly in many capacities.

The committee members keenly attend meetings and are available more frequently when deemed necessary. They also network with other school councils within our Board. CSAC is mandated to meet at least four times per year. Meetings begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m. All meetings are noted in the monthly school newsletter.

All parents/ guardians are invited to join this dedicated group of individuals that give of their time for the betterment of our school community.


Our CSAC members haven't been posted for this school year yet. Please check again later or contact the school for more information.


This section will be updated later in the school year.